Glitter Photo
Heyy people!!! How's school?? I know that you people miss me alot.XD Okayy. You went back to school, if I'm not wrong, and visited your teachers!!! so bad!!!! In was stuck with training, so I didn't have time to see y'all! Stuck with training. must have commitment  I'm dissappointed with is that because other sschools can end at 10, and we cannot!!! During our CNY celebration, we watched this lion dance. I wa entranced by it, but when it went super freaking  near me, I became so frightened that I squeezed Joan, and she whacked me!! haha. I guess that the person could guess that I was very frightened, that he came near me. So near, that I could see his face. Oh!!! HORRID!!!! 'Hai woh' almost cried. So evil!!! Gtg. Be back soon. I love you all!!!

love you all loads,
Charmaine foo
P.s.Don't you ever dare to forget me!!! Miss you always!!!(:

hey people!! I've been missing you guys alot these few days. I've settled down quite alright, but, I still miss you people. It has been really really different without you guys. You guys are definitely warmer than anyone in my class currently. (: Hahaha. I really want to meet you all this friday. But unfortunately, school only finishes at 1.50 for me. heyyy. I gtg. teacher's in the class now. I'll post more often soon. Love you guys!!
Love loads charmaine.