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PSLE aggregate!!! 221!!!! 
 Hah. I know that The score isn't high, but I have already done my best and improved by alot as compared to my Prelims. I got 199 then. Yeah. From then onwards, I thought that I would never make it to Cedar, even if I used DSA. So, on the PSLE result release day, I expected myself to score only around 200+  or below 215. I couldn't believe it when the paper showed that I had gotten 221 for PSLE!!! Wow. Just believe my luck man!!! Haha. I started tearing for joy for a while,  thinking that maybe I would have a chance to grt into Cedar. Yep. So I rushed to my mum and Dad, to tell tell them the good news. After hearing what I had got to say, they asked me if I have gotten the comfirmation or the rejection letter to cedar by MOE. Haha. I asked Renny, 'cause she definitely will be able to get into TKGS. (She scored an aggregate of 225) she also didn't get any letter, so we went to ask Mr Lim. He said that the confirmation letter is placed together with the second piece of paper placed in between our report books. I immediately teared open the sealed paper. When I saw a column, I bawled my eyes out. Guess what it wrote? Haha. Read this part then:
Note: Outcome of DSA-Sec Excercise

Congratulations. We are pleased to inform you that your application to be admitted under Direct school Admission (DSA) to secondary one in 2010 has been successful. You are admitted to CEDAR GIRLS" SECONDARY SCHOOL. You are to report to the secondary school for registration on 23 Dec 2009 at 8. 30am.

Omg!!!! HAS BEEN SUCCESSFUL!!!!! Wow!!! I can't believe it!! Haha. My Psle results.

SUBJECT                                                                                     GRADE

English Language                                                                                A
Chinese                                                                                               A
Mathematics                                                                                       B
Science                                                                                                B

Candidate's aggregate score:                 221

OMG!!! Math's from a D to a B!!! Wow!! I simply can't imagine that!!! And while some of my friends had gotten 3as1b or 4as, they got lower than me!! I can't believe it. haha. I heart Cedar to the Max!! Anws, when I cried, mr Lim was like staring at me and laughing even. Aiz. I'm just so glad I improved by 22 marks and got into Cedars. Haha. Natalie, geraldine, YY, Sin yee, Eriko, Shi Ying, Shafiqah, Yufang and the rest, I have forgotten, please tell me, Ily loadssss!! Haha. Can't wait to see you next training, or even in school next year!! Haha. I am going to play computer games now. So, bb!!!

Hey jaymee!! You were so sweet!!! i am gonna love you truckloadssss!!!
People from register number 1 - 44. If I ever forget you, i'll never forgive myself. 6/6 oh'nine is the best class I ever had. I don't know that time passes so fast. I cannot believe that. yeah. I still cannot believe the fact that we are seperated. I feel so lost without you people. This class was the one who ever stood with me through thick and thin for everything. Yeah. My family's still comforts me. But they can give me a certain type of comfort only. This class gave me a type of comfort that I cannot forget. A really special type of comfort. Yeahsssss. The guys are great too!!! they toughen themselves up at times, to impress us, but they just do not know that we think that we're actually laughing at their foolishness. yes. I'm most prob not going to see you all anymore after the 26th November, unless we meet up after that. Ren, please make that class gathering. I really love my classmates. Be it girl or boy, but, boys, you know that's friendship only. I wish that everyone will read my blog and know how much I have missed them and love them. It still feels strange that I am not going to school and not see all my amazing, fabulous, easy-going, crappy friends again. I really can't face the fsct. Yeah. I know that I may be as emo as my previous post, maybe even more emo, but people, this is just to express my feelings. You can't expect me to call every one in this class to tell them that I miss and love them right?
Anws, Tanninette, it was so nice of you, to give me that really sweet recorded call. Yeah. we're friends forever and I will always love you. It really was sweet of you to give me that call. and so fabulous. Hey!! I'm really touched you see! hey, people!! I really do love you loadsss. I believe that our time is up. we have to say goodbye. I never thought that this would happen, until the fateful Friday. Yes of course. Getting the eagles Award meant that I did not get tot spend the last few hours with you guys, But you people will always have a placing in my heart! Yup its so sweet of Jolene to write that type of things too!!!

Yeahssss. I also miss Mr. Nizam's shoutings and the scoldings from tessa if  I play a fool during trainings, I really miss the whole netball team. We have been with each other for 4 years. For some, 3. yes. Without you, my Netball, would have suck.
Thank you Jia Hui too. Thank you for fighting with me for the main Center positions, which had pressured me to perform even better, and what have become of me is thanks to you. I wouldn't have been shortlisted for Cedars, I wouldn't have been shortlisted by Tkgs, if you have not been pressuring me, pushing me to a higher feild. Thank you so much for all that you have done for me, I will never forget the strongest netball team that we've formed ever!

Mr Nizam, Thankyou for sacrificing your time, just to train us, You did whatever you could to bring us to the 3rd in Nationals and 2nd in Zonals this year or the 4th in the nationals and the 2nd in the Zonals last year. Yup. We have the potential in us, but if you have not brought the potential out of us, we would never be what we are today. Thankyou so much for everything!!!
Thankyou all teachers who have ever taught me before, Yes. I might not be the top few in class or the school, but you have done whatever you could to bring out the potential in all the students that you've ever taught before. Those that are taught by you teachers are indeed lucky to have you as their teachers.

Anws, once the time have passed, there is no turning back of the clock. I can regret how much time I have wasted not treasuring my friends, but, there is no use now. I can just say to you people that I appreciate you being friends with me for the past 6 years . I have msged quite a lot to Russell and Daniel Lew these few days after the last day of school. And I regretted not being 'friends' when there is school. They are actually quite friendly!!! (: Hahas. its late now, and my neck's aching. So, I'm gonna continue tomorrow if there is time!!!

Yo peeps. Today is the last day of school, and I'm downright feeling so ever emo. I felt like crying when I said my final words to my friends"goodbye". idk. Tine passes so fast. Oh why does it takes only a second to say 'hello', but forever to say 'goodbye'? I doubt that I will get to see some of my friends, and maybe even hear the warm laughter of theirs, and the voices of theirs. Here;s a few things I am saying to my dear friends. I love you all.

Joseph soh; thank you for teasing me now and then when I meet you. I doubt that someone else will tease me again in such a way you did.
Darryl toh; thank you for not scolding me back when I shout or scream at you for messing up my stress games, and the way you teased me, and took away all my stationeries and making me feel so comfortable when talking to you, until mr lim scolded mr once.
Bao xian, devonshire and Daniel Lew; thank you for giving me the wonderful nickname... hammy. I will never forget the givers.
Chan Kingson and Aaron Cheang; thank you for playing stress with me, and making me angry, I will not forget the way you made me laugh out of innocence.
Russell Oon; thank you for chatting with me on facebook when I feel bored. You were always online!!!
Marcus, kingson and Bao Xian, thanks for inviting me out to watch movies with you at vivo. even though I wasn't able to go, i hope you enjoyed yourselves!


Dana koh; thnk you for being always by my side, in all my ups and downs. Also, for always being together to brave the storms. We have gone through so much together and now we're leaving. I hope we can always be best friends in the future. I love you loads man!
Jolene, Siew Ling, Johanna and Nicole; thank you for being such great friends that I don't want to part with you people ever!!!!
Jaymee and Janice and Wen Xuan. thank you for being my special friends. I definitely know that I will not be in the same school as you next year. I really love you 3 loads!!!
All Netballers; We've stood up together, and braved against all the punishments given out by Mr Nizam. ONE TEAM, ONE HEART ONE SOUL!!!!! I love ya loads. I know we'll never be together again. Because we have taken dsas to different schools, and although we are going to be in different schools, I belive that we'll always meet up again someday and runite as a strong team!!!!
Renny; thank you for always being there for me. Yeahsss. I know that we have had conflicts, but its the past now. I am putting whateva that's been in the past behind me, and I will never want to see them again.

If I left any of your names out, tell me. I'll put them in.
But for now, Igtg.
P.s. I love you people loadsss!!! Dun wanna part with you guys!!!

Today was so co-ol! I found out that I was an eagles awardee, together with Amanda yew and Praise Wing for Netball. haha. I have $120 to get!!! i hope that I'll be able to use it man!!!!!! my savings are almost used up now that I had gone out with sooooooo many friends and wasted my freaking money!!!!! So, anws, as we did not manage to finish to sell finish all the cup noodles, I went to sell them to classes. Renny, Matthew and Joseph Lock went to sell them. matthew did the speaking when we were at class 5/3. Mr Nasrulla was the teacher in-charge at that moment. What happened next truly shocked me. mathew went into the class without greeting mr nasrulla, and proceeded to talk to the pupils. Mr Nasrulla on realising that matthew did not greet him, said this so ever crudely " So rude get lost." So bad. Aiyo. Matthew can't face the embarrassment and cried immediately. Then he went back to class. Me, Joseph lock and ren then continued selling the cupnoodles. haiz. then after school, Me ren, taninette, shanice and Shakila went to Ren's block's staircase to camwhore. But realising the distance they have to walk, they went back home. Me Shak and Ren ended up camwhoring among ourselves. We tried to do jump-shots, but it was a total failure. So in the end we did other kind of poses instead. Aiyo. my Brudder is so gawd-damn irritating. As I am posting this post now, he keep irritating me. Brudders are bruddres. I can never understand them. Bleh bleh bleh. now he's groaning and groaning. Stupid lah. Ihatehimtothecore. Whateva!!! Ihatehimtothecore!!!! Aiyo. maybe I will like him in the future. Idk. Up ti you lah. Fake croc tears. I gotta stop now. 'cause that irritating brudder of mine is complaining and complaining. So, Buh-Bie!!! Gotta Sign off.

I spoilt my freaking flapping phone!!!
Hello People! I know that i have not been posting for a few freaking long days. Sorry ah????

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Today is Monday yeah. and it was totally boring. I wanted to watch 'Just follow law' during class. So did some of the others. But mrs lim went to let us watch Night at the museum. I tell you that it's a wonder how I can manage to stay awake in class. I have watched the show around 10 times already!!!! Whats more!!! When I went back to class after recess, Joseph soh go and say that he put my pictures on facebook because I put his on blogger. Stupid la he. I am currently trying to find time after posting. JOSEPH SOH!!! YOU DIE!!! I am going to kill you. IDC!
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Sunday wasn't much funnnnnn. Except that I went to Ion orchard. I took alot of retarded and crazy pictures that I posted in Facebook. Look:

This picture very nice hor? My facebook picture. people!! Add me as your friend!!!!!

Yeah. Bought this really cool shirt. ' Please do not make me paranoid. Thanks'. Cool right?

I find these two pictures really sick:

Haha. Now, Idk what's wrong with me. Under someone's armpit???!!! Eww!

This is like he's trying to strangle me.

This is worse. Like I feel happy there. Ooh. luckily he got no Body odour.

I'm trying to read the news. I guess I am too short le ba. I have diffculty reading it.

Okay. Finally, I am eating 'Chocolate chip ice-cream'. Mmm. Delicious!! But, I am still complaining. I should have gone to another stall. I could have eaten the Bread with ice-cream instead of ice-cream-in-a-cup. Yeah and the ice-cream was much bigger than the one I bought!!!

This is the worst pose. I think I looked like some tourist. This photo was taken at a window display shop. =.="

logo maker -

Haha. I hate that day the most. 'Cause I spoilt my damn freaking phone and I have to pay half to buy my bro one damn miserable phone. Yeahssss. Idk. My mum is signing up a line for me, and getting a new phone. Okay. Should I get a Samsung Preston or a Samsung ultra touch? Please tell me lei. Okie. There's nothing else for me to post. And i am feeling retarded-ly tired. So, Bye.

P.s. 9 more days to the release of Psle results. OMG. That means only 4 more days to spend with my classmates. BOOMZ!!! Haha. Well, practically to all. I will be missing this week's morning trainings for cedar's. 'cause I wanna savour the last few days man!!! Sorry to Nat, Yufang, Ying Ying, geraldine Oops tell me if I miss out your name. I don't wanna get another scolding from Natttttt! Okay Miss natalie!!! I put your name there already okie? **Wink**HAHA. Cedar rocks. And so do you people! Pray that I can get into cedar man people! I really wanna go Cedar.♥hearts you♥

Myspace Graphics, MySpace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Glitters, MySpace Goodies, Myspace Codes at
Crasssssssssssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Hi! I read my c-box and jumped super high and crashed the 'poor ceiling'. Well... I guess that you people are smart enough to get the picture. HAHA. Okay.
Renny!!♥ I am intersted in Joe???!!! No way! Too much blubber in his body man!
Tani!!!!! ☺ There's nothing fishy!!! He's no way special. Except for the amount of fats within him.
Ah Cui!!☺ No way man! i don't like Joe AT ALL! I like him 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000%!
So, people, I went to science center yesterday. me and Alisha were like looking at some plasticinated muscle body or something like that when DARRYL TOH go and stand behind  me and suddenly say:"Eh Charmaine look at..." Then I was like screaming and jumped around. 'cause I thought that the Lady of arteries went to talk to me. And I was like looking at the lady of arteries and commenting that I am taller than her and janice said that she'll come for me. ewwwwsss! I was scared out of my skin man! Idk how Darryl learnt how to pop out of somewhere and frighten someone. Then I'll learn from him and scare my other friends who like to scare me e.g. Janice... etc. [-,<] Jkjkjk. right. Today I went for Cedar's training and it was sooooo damn fun lor. I heart The sec1 girls soooooooo much! let me name a few; Shiying------I love your cartwheels! Eriko------You rock!! So do you Ying Ying and Yufang! In fact, i love ya all man.:) Okie, renny, thank you for being soooooo thoughtful. Anws, where to buy sports towel arh? Oh yeah, one more thing, i don't like Joe okay? Yellowish blubber is what he is. Don't let him see this if you can please people!!! Twoot! :)I can't wait for my results to see if I am a cedarian! Oh Yeah babe! Cedar rocks to the maxx!!!!!
gtg and reply tags now. I love ya all!

Hello ALL EARTHLINGS!!!!! Haha. Look at these pictures first:

Hey Erm Darryl, no offence, but, as far as I can remember, this is your sixth time getting your fruit punch. Anws, you look-ed okay in that T-shirt and jeans of yours. 'cause it's finally not Man-u. Shirt anymore. JK. :) Oh, Joe Soh wore Man-u stuff again. So, at least that will show that you have a great taste for grad night's clothes. Well... better than joe. And, i like Man-u too, but I know how to distinguish grad night's clothes to normal wear... Unlike someone.

Hey joe Soh! Whatchya doing? Saluting to me? I'd love that. So from now onwards, your under my thumb. Get it? Anws, You'd better tell yourself and your 'Gang' not to take surprise pictures of me anymore, and, all those retarded pictures, that you took of me, it had better not be posted on either of yours or your 'gang''s Facebook or whatever. It'd better be deleted man. Hah. Want me to embarrass you?Hey people, Look at these few pictures. [-.<]

Hey what's wrong man? You doing Chicken Dance? Cluck! Cluck! Cluck!!!!

Hey boy? Who'd ya wanna hug. But I'm afraid that the person you will hug will be CRUSHED by you! lols. JKJKJK.

OMG! joe! you should go for another round of Social Ettiquette (Sorry Idk how to spell it) session? I wonder if you have Bad breath. Ask Kingson or Joseph Lock can le. If you have, then I pity them man!

Joe! You drank alot le! This is your seventh drink. Worst than Darryl!! And, you still got the humour to say that Darius beat you in eating??? Crazy Arh??

Look at these three DAMNNNNNNNNNNNN stupid people. Still take pictures of me? Oh gawd. You are crazy. Aaron, marcus and Kingson. You are not the only one. Darius, you too. And Donovan, although you might look innocent in the picture, in real life, you aren't!

"Yeah you. I am taking your unglam shots!!!! I am not taking you 'cause you are stunning. But 'cause you're so UNGLAMM!!!" =.="

Okay guys that are all the unglam pictures. Anws. I pon school again today. 'Cause i went for Cedar girl's training. So, don't go around saying ' Charmaine pon school!!' Get it? OMG!!! The Cedar girls, Ms Chng and Mrs yeo are so damn nice! I HEART cedar's to the Maxxxxxx! So okay. I have YuFang and Ying Ying's link. I will try to link Geraldine later, if I have the time. Okay. You get the picture. I love Cedar's to the maxx and I am so going to their school. I'll do whatever it takes from praying to God that I will be able to get into Cedar Girls' to begging Mrs Yeo to ask the principal to get me into the school as she have promised me for the past months. Yeah.I have chosen not to include TKGS in any of my DSA choice. So people, pray that I will get Good grades for PSLE.  Geraldine, I am not pro lor. you are even more pro. I love your passes and the way you play. Anws, to all cedar netball girls, I am telling you that I will put Cedar as my first choice in the case that I have to go for appeal. Anws Jaymee, it's not that I love Cedar's more than saint hilda's. As I said, once a HILDAN, Always a HILDAN. Haha.I simply love St. Hilda's and I can't bear to leave her. Lols. earthlings, I will post more things tomorrow if there is time. So buh-bie! I love you all!!! Anws, training in Cedar's was totally cool. Except Drishti dropped a ball on my head by accident and I knocked my nose. The pain was so unbearable until I thought I had broken my nose. But I had just bruised my nose. But I also heart all cedar netballers too!!! haha. Netballers, if you are going for training on Thursday, I'll be seeing you there!!! Haha. Love ya.
Je'taime people!!!

hellos people! I have promised that i'll upload retarded pictures. But i can't. Try to post again tomorrow. I'm doing this so secretly. haha. will post tomorrow. But I hate year six. 'cause it'll mean parting.


The forever loved grad night... I know that I have not updated you people about the GRAD NIGHT. Okay I'll show you some pictures of JOSEPH SOH being so UNGLAM. And some of my PRETTAYE girlfriends. Okay. I was so damn confused when those Damned guys like DANIEL LEW, DARRYL TOH, uh I can't remember all of them lah. But, They say that I am like a FRENCH GIRL and MADONNA.  Lols. Don't really know they actually mean. But I dn't care. I am really gonna miss all my friends. Okay. Get it. I am not trying to be emo. But. C'mon don't tell me that you don't feel sad at all. Anws, ONCE A HILDAN, ALWAYS A HILDAN. lols. I am gonna miss every one. I am really sad. Leaving all my friends. The boys especially. i am going to a girls school next year. I doubt that I will have the chance to enjoy my time like I did with these past six years. So this is goodbye? I am really afraid that i will lose contact with the rest of my pri school friends. Yeah. i am trying to savour every single minute with the really cool and warm moments in St.hilda's. I might have said that i really hate some of the guys in my class. in fact, the actual fact is that as the end of year six is nearing, i am really dying to spend every single minute with everyone in the class. But i don't mean the sick one lah.
I can't upload all the pictures today. 'Cause, according to my mum, it is already VERY late. So, i'll upload them tomorrow.I have dedicated some graphics to my class. 'Cause, I have to say that 6/6 oh'nine is actually my best class. I remembered pin wei being a 'good boy' when he was p4. And so was Darryl. haha. Now... all I can do is to reminisce.

yeah. take a look at this before  you proceed to the pictures below :

The hardest thing about friendship is parting
like someone you love moves away.
it seemed as if our friendship was just starting
until that one fateful day.

I never saw it coming, it it so very fast.
Graduation is in sight now, i then realise these few weeks would be last.
I miss my friends now everyday,

I can believe our time is done.
You see now I always tend to pray
and thank God for all the fun.

We helped each other through many times, both good and bad that's true.
As I think of them and reminisce, I see how much I grew from primary 1 to primary six.
We were all each other had those friends were not the kind you would trade,
they were not the passing fad.

And now we are going to graduate and go on our own separate ways,
all i can do is remember about the love of the good old days.

When they said "we saved the best for the last," the class they meant was mine and
I hope we never forget our past and stay united all the time.
Love you lots, Charmaine.

Now look at these pictures 
Visit my blog tomorrow for some really retarded pictures on joseph Soh and Darryl toh. :)




Haha. I took this picture at home. I think this is the nicest picture.

This is so gonna be dedicated to my NETBALL team mate and EVERYONE in my class, from register number 1-44. Haha. Love ya all guys... But... boys sre sorta exceptional... Well, some guys ONLY you are the opposite of Sister.

These two are also dedicated to everyone. Yeah. I love my class actually I am upright, true and honest:

Okay. i am so loving everyone one in school especially my class. 6/6 oh' nine. just know that I really love the time with you. okay. This is getting a little toooooo emo, so I will just stop here. So,
Hammy. :)

P.s. True friendship is like a rose. We don't realise it's beauty until it fades away.

Oh. This is so irritating. Ren. Do ya think yall so cool? Call me a loser, call wenxuan a hypocrite. What's the damn problem with you. IDC if you want to be my blog at all. But, I tell you. Whatever you are doing is so gawddamn childish and so insensitive. If you say that you can post whatever you want, then make it private!Why must you post this kind of things about WenXuan? She's your damned classmate and even if you don't treat her as one, then at least respect her! She have PRIDE. She have DIGNITY. So yeah. She's a human. She deserves the effing rights as much as you do. Well.
Now, tell me who's the:
OH!!! Loser. I have got my own reasons why I don't want to go TKG. I have my own reasons why I wanna go to Cedar Girls. And I am so loving it there! Their environment, everything is better than TKG. Oh why? Do you have to call me a loser if I have my own choice of which sec school I wanna go to? You are so unreasonable. You FLIRT SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much with the boys. And say others are the one instead. WTF! Accusing innocent people so that you can cover up yourself? HA! Hypocrite. That's you. YOU!!!
I don't want to waste my breathe on them, so, i am gonna tell you. I am so looking forward to Grad night. Yeah! Does this make you feel better Jaymee SIST? Haha. Anws, I really do hope that I won't get any bad luck again tomorrow. Today, me, Tcy, Jadoo and Shak sorta **** *** ***.ha . You won't have to kill me now Sharkie!! Btw, I am going to have a tournament with the Cedar girls against other schools. So, tomorrow, I am going to skip the 2nd part of school. sad lah. I love 6/6 oh'nine. but of course, there are some exceptional people!
Got to go now. But remember this Renny, I don't care how you will feel. But, I am so going to report this to Mr.Ng, As wenxuan wants and maybe even Mr.Chua. So long!!
P.s. see this. this is dedicated to renny for MY DEAR BESTIE, DANA, and my Super good friend, Wenxuan.:

Oh stupid. This is so damn sukish. Devonshire, no brain sense. dumb to the dozen. Our class's "Hildan got talent" is this thursday. Mr Lim go and say who can perform, Devonshire go and say that i can ROLL in my 'hamster ball. Blurgh. This is the most Retarded day I have. I am going to sign out now, 'Cause I'll rather play games than talk to stupid, Retarded people like Devonshire, Joshua Ong. Stupid. Now school life is so damn boring. tomorrow, I have Cedar's training. Sorry Dana and Wenxuan, I can't go recess with you. Got to sign out and play games now. so, Buh-bie!
i so hate my class except some girls and boys.