Glitter Photo

Haha Yo people!!! shanice gave me this website. I wanted to do a name acronym for my nickname:Hammy. The Y wasn't supposed to be Yucky, but got no choice. So nevermind. Lols. I actually joined the PLURK account, But, I made a mess with my template. So I decided to let my mum to help me. Hey people1 do ya all have any idea where to put my Plurk box? idk where to put it. oops! Only 3 mins left. Sincere apologies to my abrupt stop.
but I still love all of you!!!

Ooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhh!!! You people heard 'bout the prom night right? Oh guys!!! Wait till you see what I am going to wear. No more
anymore. Hahas. So, Just giving you a hint, I am totally black,(as in for my clothings0 and in brown Cowboy boots. Yeah! Idk if you think I look nice or not, 'cause, it'll be my first time I dress up until like this and I'm scared that i'll gawddamn fall. It'll be so embarrassing!
Today,we had some Social Etiquette thingy. I was like telling Jaymee♥ that I'll NOT following anything. Sitting behind me are the irritating people. Oh, I am just soooooo DAO MEI! Devonshire♦, Joshua♦, Eden♦, and DARRYL TOH♦♦♦(toto) for short, Toto did not participate in making fun of me much, but it was great enough for me to scream at him like I did to the other stupid guys. They kept calling me ♥Hamster♥Hammy♥G-force♥h-force♥You've gotta wear hamster gear for grad night♥Must come in Hammy's Ball♥Cannot let furry animals, specified: Hamsters for grad night♥They must come in cages♥
Well, so on and so forth.
The "♥You've gotta wear hamster gear for grad night♥" was 'contributed' by the most innovative person------not. The Toto. Yeah. I was like screaming at him " what the freaking hell do you mean by hamster gears?" He replied scrunching up his face saying " Must wear spectacles..." But I didn't give him chance to finish. I shouted at him. He then practically just shut-up. But returned to the "HAMMY" jokes again. Bfft. Whateva?! Anws, I've grown to ♥ the name "Hammy" or " Hamster" I dunno why. So, I've already signed up an account on PLURK, my nickname being,
'hammy_Gforce' ha! No time to put it in today, so I am gonna do it tomorrow if there is time. Have to sleep now!!!
Signing off



The blue Hills. Life is always filled with up and downs, so people, always remember, In what ever you do, Just gawd damn persevere. MY LIFE. YOUR LIFE. Are exactly like hills. Okay. i know  that most of you have known what happened to my DSA stuff. Well okay, if you don't know, don't bother askin', '[cause I am not gonna tell. For the rest who knows, well, just don't tell a FREAKING SOUL! Thanks. Today,    #$%^   &'s teacher-in-charge of netball went to talk to me. Don't want to name it, 'cause, my parents say that, it is better if not a single FREAKING SOUL knows what happened. Of course I'll tell some of my REALLY REALLY close friends. 

Anws, look at some posts on the Blog I found and would like to share. Won't name the person. here are some extractions,,,enjoy....................................

A's blog said: (Hey, I loveee you to the core Wanna come to my house again eh? BF?)
I SAY:"Hey girl!! What school are you from mann!!! Does your school gives you people GY talks? SICKO! And you are not even in sec sch yet!"

B's blog said : ( F... off!! I don't wanna see your face ever again!!!)
I SAY: "Oops, I am not a bit as vulgar as you."

Blog C said: (At his trial for misappropriating $400 million of the company's money, for which the tycoon got an eight year jail sentence, the jurors watched a video tape of the party.

MORAL: If you're going to make an arse of yourself, don't well video it.)
I SAY " I don't know who this person is, but I went there by accident. Right. Are Singaporeans really posting this thingy gummies online?? HELL!"

I SAY: " The I is not me. This was just what I found & got;     
I arrived in Geylang yesterday afternoon for a mooncake get-together with some migrant worker friends and volunteers.

Upon arrival, I was shown this receipt, issued by a phone shop just across the road. Song (not his real name), a construction worker from China, had walked across the road to buy a top-up Singtel card. He asked for a receipt and was issued with one that says on the top, ‘F**k U’. At the bottom, it says ‘F**k your Mother’.

Song, who did not understand what it meant, brought it back and showed it to a friend, Eric. ‘What does it say?’ Song asked, ‘I don’t understand.’ Eric was shocked, and returned to the store. The store clerk denied issuing it, and denied that Song had stepped into his store.

So there we were, a team of local volunteers and a group of Chinese nationals, grappling with the spillover of this hate message that I now held in my hand, and which Eric just had the unpleasant task of explaining. I felt polluted just holding on to it.

It was an awkward moment, a moment that made me so furious I took the receipt and promptly marched across the street, back to the store. ‘What are you going to say?’ asked my companion. Say? To be honest, I hardly felt like saying anything. I felt like hammering my fist into something (or someone).

I went into the store, took out the receipt and asked the man whom Song identified as the perpetrator, ‘Was this receipt issued by you?’. He looked at me defiantly and said, ‘No.’ He denied that the store issued the receipt, and refused to acknowledge that he had such a customer. The other man in the store, stony-faced, refused to even look me in the eye, and also denied the receipt was issued from the store.


He had the bile to spew such hateful language, yet lacked the guts to own up to it when confronted.

And the cunning! The store clerk used a ‘generic’ receipt, which wouldn’t identify their store, despite the fact that they also had a receipt book with the shop name printed on it."

Okay!! Will come back with more of these next time. Gotta go and sleep now. (:
So with lots of love, Buh-Bye!!!

The dead blog. DEAD BLOG!
WARNING: DEAD BLOG ALERT! Okay now. I am given only 20 miserable minutes to go on computer.  Yeah. Only 20 miserable minutes. Never mind. What's there to fret so much about? Okay. Tomorrow, I am going to TKGS for training for secondary school. Oh yeah, I haven't asked TCY if she is going for training.  Anws, I am telling you that I am gonna be so dead if Chin yee is not going for training. Cuz I'll be a loner there then. So chin Yee, when I call you, I am gonna be expecting you yo say a yes. Yeah, taking bus myself again. Thank you ELSIE!! ILY! Thanks Elsie for agreeing to take me into the school. I am really damn Blurheaddddeeeeddddd!!!! I could very well go into TKSS instead of TKGS! Yup. And I am getting what you call 'LAO REN CHI DAI ZHEN' I am too young for it. I hope that all of you will remember that! Yeah, spice up my blogggggoooo by spamming nonsensical stuff yah? But... No SICK stuff. But when you spammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeee, Use your real name instead man! Yeah, there's something crazy 'bout my com. The words just go haywire man. Btw, people, spare me. If I make you really mad which is dued to my crazy ways, DON'T EVER BLAME ME. Cuz, i'm influenced by YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU! I love ya all people man! Muacks!!!! GTG, JE'Taime!!
Love, Charmaine!

Fainting spells... BUT I HEART CEDAR!
11.18pm. I know. This is the latest time I have ever posted. But, okay. I woke up early into the morning about 6.00am. I ate and showered and then practically ran down the stairs to catch the bus. I caught bus 10 just in the nick of time----but at the wrong side. I went to the interchange instead of on my way to Kallang netball center for a training with Cedar. Anws, when I reach the kallang netball center, the Cedar girls were already there. but to my relief, miss Chng wasn't there yet. So, lucky me. When Miss Chng arrived, we started on some drills, stretching and workouts. Sae Kim and Pepe wasn't there. So I was pretty much alone. During the drills, I started feeling dizzy, I started having those kind of fainting spells and my vision slowly became blurred. What could I do? So, finally after some fast reaction thing, I finally had the sense to tell one of the Cedar seniors that I am feeling giddy and felt like vomiting before half-fainting to the ground. I think that Miss Chng asked one of the girls to bring me to the toilet. But walking beside her made me feel like a dwarf. (: So yeah. While walking to the toilet, I banged into alot of things.I could hear her trying to suppress her laughter. Well, i MUST have looked quite a sight to behold. After I felt much better, I went back to the rest and sat in a shady area to watch the girls train. I SIMPLY MUST SAY THAT THEIR TRAININGS ARE SUPER TIRING! Then we were supposed to buy H-2-0 drinks. I had no change with me, besides, I had a huge tumbler of water yet to be drunk! So I simply told them that I did not have change and that I already have water to drink. Then this girl she said" It is a must. It replenishes your water level in your body. Never mind, I share with you my drink." Miss Chng looked at me and motioned for me to go. So I just tag along with them. Then when I reached the vendor, this girl, Sherly was already there. She just 'hen da fang' and bought me a drink yup, and what's more, she said that I don't have to pay her back. Wow! That makes me want to go to Cedar School more. Nothing else went wrong today. The day was pretty smooth-sailing. I am gonna try all ways and means to somehow get into Cedar. Anws, I got to go. If not my mum wouldn't allow me to go for TKGS Training at TKGS on wednesday!!! Just wish me luck that I don't lose my way!!!! Oh, and lastly, sorry Wen Xuan for canceling today's outing. I had to go for their training1 I'll try to make up by going out with you some other days! I Just love You all people!!! JE'TAIME!

Au revoir!!

She says she tried not to be retarded, But she failed----- Miserably

Okay. I remembered telling you people that I went neo-printing with some lovelieeeeeee people!!! Show you those with Dana first. Then I'll show you those I took with Shanice and Wen Xuan. Okay. I am oh well... nerrdiieee:

 Okay. There's a problem with my mouse. Someone HELP ME!!!!

Okay. People, I am too lazy to crop. So, this looks like another weird pic

This was just one of my casual post.

I love this the most, though I smiled Re-tard-ed-ly.:) I decorated this one.

Dana!!! Who are you looking at??? Your BF?? Jokin'

OKay. Now this few pictures are with Shanice and wen Xuan. They are so preeeeety!!! My mum said that I looked cocked-eye. 'Cause of the reflection. Argh, feel like pukin':

Hahas. I decorated this picture. I wish i'd removed my spectacles.

Okay. Maybe this is a little better, but, It looks so un-real.
This is erm... dunno.

                                   This picture shows that my leg is the BIGGEST. In fact my leg is the SMALLEST. Asics; size six. :)

This picture, I think I look Nicest among those I took when I am with my two dear friends.

Haha. I told Shanice that we sort posed like what LADY GAGA will. And she was like: EWW!!!
I know. So we changed from Lady gaga glasses to pretty glasses. Wen Xuan.. How come never pose like us? :) Jk
This are the mini pictures. One click and you'll see heaven. Sorry, I mean the BIGGER versions of us. :p

I Have Tried not to look retarded. But I have failed.

She is feeling so lyk dat She needs HELP!!!:)
BOOM!! BOOM!! Charmaine's back!!! She is just feeling so Like that. She doesn't know how the world revolves around her. She is so at lost. That girl is listening to some songs. She is feeling so bored. So bored. The only thing that made her not plainly bored is that, she have been assigned to lead a group of 6/2 pupils for our upcoming I&E carnival. They consist of: JACELYN, FIRIANTI, BASIL, NATHANIEL MAH, and JOSHUA MUI.
P.s. Don't kill me if I spell your name wrongly. Sorry!!!
So. You can see that the boys are quite noisy, but they are quite good in generating ideas. We managed to complete EVERYTHING on time. They are very ENTHU. ENTHU. I wasn't enthu 'bout this at all, but, they somehow made me ENTHU. Don't ask me why, 'cuz I dunno myself too. So there. Shanice was complaining how DARRYL TOH 'disfigured' her paper. Then, she was like raving and ranting about DARRYL. Haha. I was like laughing my head off. Wow! Me and Wen Xuan went to Shanice's house to change before going to Whitesands. Hey! I played with her dog. He's soooo cute!!!! I just love dogs. I have often bugged my parents but they just decline. :( So, When I grow up, I am going get a Golden Retriever. One that will be loyal to me forevas!!!
Wen Xuan and Shanice and me went to take some neos. Wah!!! Our machine jammed up. So we bugged the Aunty until she let us retake our pics in another booth. That was definitely sortaf nicer by loads!!!! I took with Dana on tuesday too. So i'll say, I HEART YOU SHANICE WEN XUAN and DANA!! I wish that I can take more neos. Anybody wanna take neo-print??? Ask me!!! I wanna go!!!!
Kay. I'm telling you. Some people from Ngee Ann came down and showed us some pictures of  their school. I wish that I can go to their school. But sadly, I have already depended on . DSA. And Ngee Ann doesn't offer Netball. If my mind is not OVERLY POLLUTED WITH NETBALL PARTICLES, I would go to Ngee Ann.
WTH!!!! My father said that Iamtoofat.Toofat. He wants me to go down and Jog. Hell! Toofat. Hellla. Its like if you call me fat, So what is my father going to say tothosewhoarefatterthanme? BLAH...BLAH...BLAH... I needa eat now. My dinner. I don't know what's with my brother!! He seems so against me in every single actions I do. Aiya Heck lah. I heck care!!! I'm gonna empty all things from all my bags except my Netball bag :) I am gonna PLAY!!! PLAY!!! PLAY!!!
gtg now. Buh bie!!!
(Billy Bonka)!!

Yo peoplle!!!1 Only now then I can go on com and play. Wlw. Mrs Lim went to give us the damn talk about the dunno what innovative talk. Stupid lah. Must wait until now then can relax. Kena stuck on the stupid talk. Disadvantage being a prefect. Sian. now can blog for only a while whether I can finish this post or not, it all depends on SPEED SPEED SPEED! SPEED! So, tell you what, I'll try to continue blogging at home if I can't finish. Oh yes, yesterday,i went neo-printing with Dana. So cool. I am really surprised that she would want to go neo-prnting with me. Initially, Dana was like objecting ever so fiercely. Hahas, anws, me and Dana were like preety stupid??? We posed really retarded acts. Pooh!!! I would kill myself manxx!
Bought a birthday present for my brother. Wth. It caused me a bomb man. Whatamigoingtodo??? I left not much money now. I am still going out with Shanice and Wen Xuan tomorrow. Go with empty pockets??? Gotta bug my parents!:) Got to be money-saving now. Btw, tomorrow, I am supposed to lead a group of p6s of an innovative programme for I&E carnival. 6 per group, taking care of 6 people myself!! Ohmygosh. Iamgonnabesodead. Sodead. Sodead. Help me!!! I wanna play psp now. so I sign off ya??? 
P.S. Going for Netball training tomorrow. But will be a little late man.;0

yo people!!! How I love my computer!!! It ain't like everyday i'll get to be online!!! I just love the days. How I wish that I can have PSLE all year round!!! >.< But i'm sorta bored. Going to TM or maybe WHITESANDS tomorrow- with Dana. okay... whatamigoingtowear? OMG!!! So yeah, guess that you people have heard or experienced how hard this year's Maths paper was. And to make matters worse, I am not much of a mathematics girl!! whatamigoingtodo if I fail??? okay. My mum said that they will go by the T-score. Don't know what's that and I don't really care. Exams over and i'm gonna PLAY!!! So yeah... English and Chinese have always been easy. up till now... Science was okay and the Maths is super tough. =.="
Anws people, I am so glad that I made it to Tanjong Katong Girls through DSA. Yeah man!!! They target me 220. Well, I guess it is not tough. Just Pray for the best and prepare for the worst.:)
yo juniors!!!
I am going for Netball
Training tomorrow.
I miss the SUN!!!
Okay. You know how little Brothers are.=.=" I got to go
if not, he'll tell my mum. so with lots of love, BYE!!!!