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Yo people!!!! Finally blogging back again. But, I will put to a complete stop to blogging very soon. Currently listening to Kelly Clarkson's "BREAKAWAY" thanks to DARRYL who sent me the song.:)
Yes, I had wanted to post yesterday, but my mum did not allow me to. Sad Case. Anyway,HAPPY BELATED 44TH BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE!!!!!!!!!Saw the National day parade on TV yesterday so damn nice! So good, I wish that I was born 1 year later lorhs. The parade was so damn nice! So unlike last year, last year was mostly on aeroplanes!! sighs. Never Mind, today eating Sandwiches for Dinner.
An even "SADDER" case, I sprained my ankle. Yah. Though it was just a slight sprain, it definitely hurts. In any case, this sprain is the worst that I have ever gotten. How am I going to go for Thursday's PE? Must miss it again??? Hopefully not, had enough of missing PE lessons already. :) i know this post is very short, but need to make it short as I had already exceeded the time allowed to be on Com.
Signing off, Love Loads, Charmaine Foo. Love you people loads!!!

yo!!!!!Dammittttt!!! Went for the RGS (Raffles Girls School) interview today.
1. Fun?
Ans: Maybe. :p
2. Scary?
Ans: Definitely.
Ya. The teacher go ask me loads of questions.
1st question: You go for how many tuition?
Ans: 3. Maths, Science, Chinese.( Actually I tell lies. :p)
2nd: You go for how many other DSAs to which school?
Ans: Cedars.
I looked at the teacher.
3rd: Why you choose Cedars.
Me and Rachie didn't say anything. XD
4th: Whats is your target for PSLE??? Why???
Ans: 250. Cause I don't want to be far away from the Raffles's aggregate score. Then when I go to RGS that time, Then I can cope with the stress.
5th: But you failed your Math!!!
Ans: =.=" Ever since I did badly for my Mid-Year Examinations, I learnt that Netball alone cannot bring me far into the future. So from then on, I worked very hard. And have the mindset that I have to excel in both my studies and Netball. I belief that I can score at least 250 for my PSLE.
6th: Do you have any leadership positions????
Ans: Yes. A prefect, a PE monitress and a vice-captain.
7th: What are your leadership qualities?
Ans: I always help the teacher by controlling the class. Even the boys listen to me!!!! I will always accept my responsibilities that my teacher dole out to me. I will also set a very good example for the others to follow.
8th: The boys listens to you because You are taller than them is it??
Ans: HUH??? Oh, no. I very short!!!!
Then the teachers laugh out loud.=.= ( Guess? What is my expression after I said that?)
9th: If your teacher ask you to jump down from the cliff?
Ans:, if it is not practical.
I don't remember what are the other questions though. :[
Will return the taggggggssss now. so signing off!!!! bye and love you people loads!!!!
P.S. We had prize presentation today. And I wasn't supposed to be in front !!!!!!!