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How damn idiotic of me!!!! So many people talking about the win over st.Margrets, Yet me? keep talking in class, almost got scolded for talking too much in class. :[ Kept talking and talking in class, with Shanice and Darryl, until Shanice and Darryl shouted for me to shut up!!!! Ya. We won St. Margrets with a 23-22. Was that close right? Ya. I so damn hate Kellocks. So what if you people got first? You say that TK is not the best, so they should shut up? You got no right to tell them to. If you were the best, why did you lose to TK last year?
Sighs, don't wish to talk about those kind of people. Today, we did the Health Education Project, Someone accidentally poured sand over Wen Xuan's chair Then 'someone' pushed the responsibility to 'someone else'. Well,l I know it is a little complicated.:] In the end, 'someone' cried, Haiz, ,must I settle the problem? Yeah, I must.:[ Sad case!
My mum come back le. Must stop now, 'cause got loads of homework not done Yet.
So gotta sign off. BYE!!!
P.S. Received email from RGS,have interview on this coming Tuesday 4th Aug... nervous sia...:] But even if I go for the interview, I might not be the chosen, 'cause Rukmini is there, yap,,she was damn a strong player loh.Wish her all the best...well, So now I am still having double minds.However, I'm already glad that I passed through the Trail, GAT, so it already a BIG BIG achievement for myself liao...:[

Yo!!! Finally found a good chance to post. Yeah, Went to the RGS trail Yesterday. =.=" Surely cannot get in already. I played so damned badly, and I still dunno why Tes will say I played very well. :( Never mind, even though I can't get in to RGS, I still have CEDARS or TKGS for me. I don't know la, I played reasonably okay well during the TKGS trail, why not during the RGS trail. Never mind, switch the topic, TOMORROW, got to beat TKPS, strongest in the Zonals Nationals? Come on hildans, we almost beat them!!! We got to win them tomorrow ya? O Ya,GOOD NEWS!!!!!We got to the top four in the Nationals again!!!! Shucks, my mum's bugging me to off the com now, will continue the next time. Sorry for the abrupt stop!!!
With Loads of love,