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Hi people,,
Has been stop posting since weeks. My blog is dead liao.
Today I'm quite upset as somebody accused me for spamming her blog.
Hey,#### please do check out who is the person who leave the comments on your blog,, go and trace that person out before you say I am the one..... really very very irritating lor...I am so busy with all the activities and tuition during this JUNE holiday not even free to go on line at all. Really feel bad, hate people to accused me.You did not offend me at all and why should I spam your blog? But now, I really feel offended lor...Go and tell the teacher lar...better then so the person can find out and clear my reputation. I don't like to create problem with friends and I do not like friends to create fault with me too!!! Friends will always have misunderstanding and conflict but once is clear it always make friends get closer.I treat every one as my friends and if I am sincere I don't even care they like or dislike me...because my thoery is extra friends is better then extra enemies.But, today I really feel offended as this####accused me....this time I stand for my right ...I hate it , I hate it....I hate it,,,Hey#### do you know if you get accuse by friend is really very hurt.. I don't write the name out is not because I am afraid of that person, as I said before I don't like to create problems but doesn't mean I can't throw out my unhappiness on my blog...who care, forget about it and be myself...lolzzzz,I am still a HAPPY GIRL.... nobody can change my way of attitude towards life, only I can control. I have chosen to be a HAPPY GIRL..and there's still plenty of friends standing by my side.Espacially Dana koh and etc.... Love you gals who alway understand me;D

yois!! Finally managed to return ALL the taggs. Sorry ah? Returned the tags a little too late. :] Please tagg my blog!!!!!! Mine is so dead!!!!
Haiz. Boys are really getting out of control. No moral, no self control, too bad, they were born into this world. JONATHAN POW, TIMOTHY, CHENG KIAT, this kind of people are too selfless, making fun of ZHAO HAN, some guy in 5/3. calling him a dog, hitting him and even blaming him when he was the slowest in a game in ADAM KHOO. The game was like they gave you some numbers or words, you got to find them according to the first word or number. Gosh, I can't believe it. Jia hui was like trying to say something but couldn't. I couldn't stand it either, so i just shouted at them like saying " You guys have no dicipline, making fun of people, you are no better than him right?" I think it was something like that, but I can't remember. Then me and Angeline Ngiam went to Clara Ang the 'DJ' to complain about JONATHAN POW. Cause he went to use the chair to hit Angeline. Sighs, what are happening to the boys. Weren't boys supposed to support the family, and most importantly they have responsibility and know the consequences for their actions??? Never mind, going for my dinner now, so bye.
Signing off with loads of love,
Wen Ning.
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