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X'mas presents...

"Santa Clause is coming tonight...." I am singing happily.♪.♫..♪.♫.♪♫♪♫...♫
Muahaha, my mum allowed me to do a tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiny post!!!! Kays, I am going to tel you about the Christmas Party last night. It was just so SIMPLY FABULOUS!!! Well, tell you I and my bro practically spent a BOMB, YES, A TERRIBLY BIG BIG BOMB for what? Yes, isn't it obvious?? To buy Christmas Presents for my whole family.Do you know all the presents I and my bro bought is strictly by our own savings lor.But, no worry, we are happy to pay back the kindness that those who care and loves us.To be cheeky,at least, it paid off.Lolzzzz 'Cause I and my bro received lots of presents, especially, when my 2nd uncle and his wife bought me a Billabong sling bag. Wow, it was damn cool seyy. Even better, they also say that they will buy me the whole series of the, " Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and the Breaking Dawn." just for my Birthday. Wah, what a sport they are man!!! Well, practically, if you offer to buy me anything, I would definitely say that I would want books, books, ONLY BOOKS.Ha.ha.ha..I love books and I'm a crazy BOOKWORM.☺ Then my 3rd auntie bought me one of my favourite Story book " The Lost Boy, A Man Name Dave and, A Child Called 'it' " wow you know,is the whole series leh... Its even written by the very same person who was the main character in the book, DAVE PELZER. By the way, its a true story. 'cause, mainly, all the story that I read are all practically true stories, novels, a biography of peoples lives, like Anne Frank.My grandparents was damn generous, they didn't buy me and bro any presents but give us a" BIG ANGPAO ". I also recieved a $100 voucher for Times Bookshop and many many more presents from others last night.I and my bro was like happy like shit(lolzzzzz) Whoa, how I wish that every day is Christmas. So I get to receive presents every single day, so, that means, more and more books every day!! Hey, hows that? Cool ya??? By the way, I forgot to tell ya all that I bought a little miss chatterbox tee today. Can't wait to collect the whole series though. He he, really must sign out now. yeah, this not really a short post. But luckily Ma didn't notice because there something occupying her, but, she's gonna scold me if I don't sign out now. So long!!! Last but not least, here I would like to thank them for all the presents I received .....
GTG!! With lots of love to sign out, bye bye!!!♥♥☻☺

Hi there, sorry for delaying the pictures we took at the I finally managed to squezzzzeee in some time and upload all the pictures....
Let's share the Happy Moment went we are together..yip,yip, hurray.......
Can you gals recall what we have done during that day??? Fun, Mischievous, Jokes , Foods and Play are what we are on that day.Look at the pictures below and ?????

Chicken Wings, BBq Corn and Marshmallow with Melted Chocolate..

What is this Insyirah wearing??? Oppsss, is a sexy Yellow sunglass..
Cheers! soooo cute leh.

Jia Hui, what are you looking?

After the THEME PARK, we went back to the room and start to BBQ.
Heiyo,, What happened to all of us???? Aiyahh,,,started to eat lahhh...
Vary hungry liao, must eat and gain back some energy to continue to play...lolzzzzzzz

hey! Jia Hui and my cheeky gal

She is my lovely sister, her name is Chavonz. hmmm, she's vary cute and intelligent.
She is also an APPLE in our eyes.We love her vary much..Look! Here is a cheeky face.Ha!ha!ha!

Watching TV? No, we are enjoying Wii.
Guess what are they eating? Ha,ha,,is the melted chocolate.
Here we are, after eating " Playyyyggggrounddd!!!!!" Run, chase, laugh and pose in front of the camera. Tired? No,no is out of our mind at that moment,Lolzz!!! let's share the funny pictures.

Hey Aerina and Insyirah. 1,2,3 let's fart and they will faint....lolzzzzzzzzz Why harh? Why we never do on that day harh?????? hmm, we should do it next time K? Joking lah, fert? Chin Yee and Cui Ying will kill us.

Hey, two Monkeys hanging and the rest are looking...Cuiying!! Help! Help! I'm going to fall down liao!!!!

Thanks for coming to my BBQ,I do enjoy very much with you gals and hope you peeps enjoy too! I will try to arrange another BBQ for next year before I leave St. Hilda's Primary School..and this time I wish all my NETBALL peeps can turn up for the last Prmary School gathering.But,I definitely don't look forward to it as this means that the time spent in St. Hilda's is over...With Lots of love...C yah!!!!

x'mas present
Heyos babes!! Finally managed to SQUEEEEEEZE in some time to do a pathetic post, Insyirah, will post the pictures ASAP, 'cause I have got toooooooo many activities. Gotta buy lots of Christmas Presents for my whole family. Aiyaiyai,we went shopping FOUR DAYS AGO, but, my parents plus my bro spent so much time shopping, that it was only today, that I got to do MY own shopping!!! Guess what, I still haven't finish shopping yet, I still got 2 presents left to buy!!! Ha, no matter what, I will give my mummie that I-WANT-TO-FINISH-MY-SHOPPING-BY-TODAY look tomorrow!!! Yup, I'm super-duperly impatient!!! Erm, may I ask if there are such word?????LOL. Can't wait to upload my pictures, but can't 'cause now is already, (time Check) 12 o'clock. Yup, my mum gonna kill me. Can't talk anymore, gotta sleep now. You had a good night sleep?? GTG, BYE BYE!!!♥♥♥☺☺☺♥♥♥♪♪♪

Reply to :

Minli : lolzzzz, the Neo print is cute right? Will upload more when I'm free.
Thanks for tagged, Miss you...♪♪♪♪♪

Aerina ,Kating ,Minli : Will do the quiz once I'm free..Ok..LolZZZZ
thanks for tagging...Love you gals!♥♥♥

Johanna : Ho..Ho...Ho...Thanks for your comments but, we are the type of
" Kind & cutie " witches..lolzzzz, haven't been influenced by the
wicked witch yet,,,,anyway, thanks for tagging..♥♥♥♥

Melissa : My dear senior, I relink you liao, love & miss you lots....

If I miss out anybody, do tag me and inform me... somehow, I'm quite careless..
Love you gals,,,,,,,,,lolzzzzzzzzzzzzz


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Heyos Peeps!!! I,m backie!!! I am sooo excited you know? Sooo many things are happening!~~~~~~~~~~♪♪♪♪♪♪♪~~~~~~~~~~ Yup, I am definitely singing,,,,Singing out of tune? I'm not so sure!!! LOLZZZ ☺ Okay, 1st thing rather sad, but not really that sad...Going to DOWN TOWN EAST for a 4 day 3 night chalet tomorrow!! Then, on Wednesday, I invited some really cool peeps down to have a barbecue gathering(Hey, please bring a com along with you, I wanna post.JKJKJK!!). So sorry that some of you did not come. Those who did not come, don't worry you are cool too!!! Aiyah, wish that it does not rain on Wednesday or else our plans of going to the theme park and the barbecue would be ruined, yes ruined, TOTALLY RUINED!!!!!!!!!!! Well, maybe I am a little emo, weird dude I am...☺ Hey, tell me, who will not be happy with so many activities going on???!!!
OMG, didn't watch the time, my blogging time is up, GTG, WITH LOTS AND LOTS OF SWEET HUGS AND KISSES FROM ME,

I AM SIGNING OFF!!! TAKE CARE!!!☺♥♥♥☺♥♥♥☺♥♥♥☺

Hey peeps, I'm back to posting again. Full of activities line up and I seldom stay at home. Once I reach home, wow!! is really late liao, here to share some of things I did during last few days....................

Lalala, it was a wonderful Saturday,,,guess? when to the circus...hmmmm, is quite a nice performance but, if to compare the circus I been in GUANGZHOU last holiday...I think is not as wonderful.My dad told me the circus we watch at GUANGZHOU is one of the best International Circus,do you know the people involved in the performance is more then 150 and also the lighting, the stage, laser and everything is soooo amazing.
We saw lots of different kind of animals involved in the performance too, for eg: Monkeys, Polar Bears, Horses, dogs and especially a special animal which is going to extinct is " White Tiger"....can imagine a bear and a Monkey riding motor bikes and really damn cute lorzzz... Well, of 'course, there are alot of other animals performing different type of tricks.
The one in Singapore was Okay okay Larh. The only thing that had struck me was the elegant movements of a 12 year old gurl born in Russia. She was like acting as a frog, and she was definitely like don't have any bones sia. Her butt, could touch her head!!!! Then there was two old Lady In front of me, they were like cheering, and shouting and clapping like mad after the performance!!! I was laughing like mad at them.
Aiyah, my bro said that I was mad, counting down, for the BBQ.
Nvr Mind. My dad scolding me, need to sign off now. GTG!!! BYE BYE!!◙♪♪♪

Heyos Peeps!!! I am soooooooooooooooo excited!!Today,I got the result of my Invitation to everybody for a BBQ(Barbeque) and Insyirah, Aerina, Cui Ying, Fadzelyn, and maybe also Praise and Jia Hui might come! I just can't wait for Wednesday to come! (My bro is pestering me to hand him the com liao.)
GTG!!!! Bye Bye... Love you peeps!!!♥☺♥☺♥☺♥☺♥☺♥☺♥☺♥☺♥☺♥☺♥☺♥☺♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

We Are Rock!!!!
Hey Netball Pals , we are in the Magazine...Look!!
We ROCK,right!!??Lolzzzzzzzzzzz, we are the ROCK STAR!!!!! Cheers!!!!////☺

Too bad, there should be 11 " NETBALL ROCK STAR " in the magazine,,,hmmmm,,but,,,some did not turn up on that day.Wish that there will be another chance for us to gather again....

There are some more pictures that I haven't uploaded because very tired after the training and as well busy with all my activities, will update ASAP!!!!!!!!!!

Bye!! got to go sleep liao,,Lol

with love to all my friends who know meeeeee!!!!!!!